
Chicago notes are notes from an undergraduate math degree at the University of Chicago. The corpus can be found here.

Links in the Chicago database column will take you to the definition as it appears in the corpus, with links to the other definitions. Some links in these pages will go to terms that have not been mapped to Wikidata (and therefore don’t appear in the table) as those definitions are still an integral part of the corpus, but just don’t have counterparts in Wikidata.

The following is a list of terms that were not found in Wikidata, even though this mapping was done manually. There are some new terms in the corpus that are missing from this list because they have not been mapped yet, as they are newer

  1. averaging of vector-valued function
  2. star of an object
  3. action of a group on power sets
  4. extension of a function to R^n
  5. free group action
  6. syntactic proof
  7. infimum
  8. subinterval
  9. simple region
  10. Lebesgue integral of characteristic function
  11. map of covering of groupoid
  12. component interval
  13. group of automorphisms of a cover
  14. derived series of a Lie algebra
  15. multiplicative norm
  16. strong (p,q)
  17. colimit of a D-shaped diagram
  18. automorphism group of coverings
  19. NDR pair
  20. model
  21. symmetric differential basis
  22. positive variation
  23. partition of a rectangle
  24. bounded measure space
  25. Young subgroup
  26. equivalent group representations
  27. self-normalizing
  28. weak (p,q)
  29. rank of a module
  30. short exact sequence of chain complexes
  31. generate a topology
  32. transitive group action
  33. formal language of propositional logic
  34. sum of ring ideals
  35. characteristic map of open simplex
  36. category of canonical orbits
  37. ∆-complex.
  38. diameter of a set
  39. p-norm
  40. vector-valued integral
  41. compact support
  42. cycle type
  43. symmetric with respect to the subspace x=0
  44. numerable
  45. lattice complement
  46. opposite topology
  47. stabilizer under group action
  48. measurable hull
  49. volume of compact topological space
  50. averaging
  51. product of ring ideals
  52. category of spaces under A
  53. equivalent absolute values
  54. local degree of map between spheres
  55. G-space
  56. centralizer of a Lie algebra
  57. category of groupoids
  58. symplectic algebra
  59. D-shaped diagram
  60. Lebesgue integral of a simple function
  61. map of coverings of a space
  62. Haar integral
  63. associate elements in an integral domain
  64. supremum
  65. attracting fixed point
  66. negative variation
  67. action of a group on quotient by subgroup
  68. equivalent metrics
  69. universal covering of groupoids
  70. box product of representations
  71. abelian Lie algebra
  72. metric completion
  73. morphism of group representations
  74. proper ring ideal
  75. countable
  76. upper integral
  77. complex differentiable
  78. sum of modules
  79. comaximal ring ideals
  80. integral of n-form
  81. strong differential basis
  82. category of coverings of groupoids
  83. lower integral
  84. circular mean value
  85. relative boundary
  86. conjugate subgroups
  87. reduced edge path
  88. upper sum
  89. L2 inner product on group functions
  90. chain map
  91. regular family
  92. faithful group action
  93. diameter of an n-simplex
  94. category of spaces over B
  95. algebra of polynomial differential operators
  96. generate an algebra ideal
  97. right algebra ideal
  98. derived series of a group
  99. lower sum
  100. regular covering of groupoids
  101. orientation-preserving
  102. mesh
  103. transitive functor
  104. subrectangle
  105. category of objects under x
  106. component function
  107. curly P
  108. graded algebra ideal
  109. graded subalgebra
  110. continuous group representation
  111. generate a ring ideal
  112. Basic Additive Character
  113. generate a σ-algebra
  114. differentiability in closed half-space
  115. density topology
  116. G-harmonic polynomial
  117. ad-nilpotent
  118. graded vector subspace
  119. measure density
  120. differential basis