CatGloss Database

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This table contains Wikidata ID numbers and the corresponding term from each corpus. To see terms from the corpora that were not mapped to Wikidata, click on the links in the headers.

Wikidata ID Context Topoi BCT nLab
Q4596935 2-category Strict 2-category
Q1216464 Abelian
Q318737 Abelian category Abelian category
Q1084766 Abstract nonsense
Q555097 Accessible
Q404330 Additive
Q357823 Adjunct Adjunct
Q1219045 Affine
Q382698 Affine space Affine space
Q3968 Algebra Algebra Algebra
Q298187 Apex
Q782566 Automorphism Automorphism
Q60790315 Automorphism group Transformation groups
Q180907 Bijection Bijective function One-to-one correspondence
Q875399 Boundary
Q4049983 Cardinality
Q1725874 Cartesian closed category Cartesian closed category Cartesian closed Locally cartesian closed category
Q5051844 Category of elements Category of elements Category of elements
Q179208 Cayley's theorem
Q5062222 Center Drinfeld center
Q5072826 Chaotic
Q17099363 Classifying space
Q320357 Closed
Q4720939 Closure
Q10564851 Closure operator Closure operator Closure operator
Q3062935 Coalgebra
Q4370335 Cocomplete Finitely complete category Finitely complete category
Q199006 Codomain
Q5140810 Coequalizer Co-equaliser Coequalizer Coequalizer
Q4227156 Coinduction Coinduction
Q2156511 Cokernel Cokernel Cokernel
Q1780005 Comma category Comma category Comma category Comma category
Q522216 Commutator subgroup Derived series
Q165474 Commute
Q848569 Complete Complete Complete topological vector space
Q2362924 Complete lattice Complete lattice
Q5156688 Component Component
Q1575634 Concrete category Concrete category
Q1850712 Cone Cone Cone
Q5161408 Connected Connected category
Q1491995 Connected component Locally path-connected space
Q692689 Coproduct Coproduct Sum Coproduct
Q5154570 Coskeleton
Q344552 Covariant
Q331481 Cover Open cover Open cover
Q5183420 Create
Q1144925 Currying Currying
Q225014 Cycle Cycle
Q483525 Dense
Q48996306 Density theorem
Q843237 Diagram Diagram Diagram
Q906015 Direct limit Direct limit Inductive limit
Q378637 Discrete dynamical system
Q338707 Disjoint
Q192439 Domain
Q752487 Double dual Dual vector space
Q2361385 Dual Duality Dual
Q1296024 Effective
Q1340800 Endomorphism Endomorphism
Q1347208 Epimorphism Epimorphism Strong epimorphism
Q1224487 Equalizer Equaliser Equalizer
Q1082992 Equivalence of categories Equivalence of categories Equivalence Equivalence of categories
Q130998 Equivalence relation Equivalence relation Equivalence relation
Q235935 Equivalent Equivalent Equivalence
Q16033993 Exact
Q1184041 Faithful Faithful
Q5446381 Fiber space
Q244772 Filtered
Q5450158 Finest
Q5450381 Finitary
Q11516722 Finite Finite
Q2646117 Forgetful functor Forgetful functor Forgetful functor
Q81881 Fork Fork Fork
Q184410 Four color theorem Four-colour theorem
Q231766 Free
Q1454111 Free abelian group Free abelian group
Q431078 Free group Free group
Q237107 Full Full
Q864475 Functor Covariant functor Functor Multifunctor
Q662830 Fundamental groupoid Fundamental groupoid
Q766522 Fundamental theorem of Galois theory
Q2020004 Galois extension Galois extension
Q730384 Galois group Galois group
Q1467124 Geometric realization Simplicial set
Q3041173 Group extension Group extension
Q1196038 Groupoid Groupoid
Q202906 Homeomorphism Homeomorphic Homeomorphism
Q1144780 Homology Exact triangle
Q215111 Homomorphism Homomorphism
Q14775269 Homotopy category Homotopy category
Q746083 Homotopy equivalence Null homotopy
Q1948412 Identity morphism Hom-set Arrow Morphism
Q860530 Image
Q178377 Induction
Q378408 Initial Initial
Q862761 Interior Interior point
Q17141489 Intersection Intersection
Q2634828 Inverse limit Projective limit
Q189112 Isomorphic Isomorphic Isomorphism
Q6086107 Isomorphism of categories
Q506041 Jacobian matrix
Q2920416 Kernel
Q2844249 Kernel pair Kernel pair Regular logic
Q1773982 Kleisli category Kleisli triple
Q3485002 Left
Q133105 Leg
Q1322614 Limit Limit Limit Continuous functor
Q251307 Localization Localization
Q4672496 Locally presentable category Locally presentable category
Q13635346 Locally small Locally small Locally small Tensor product of functors
Q1503423 Loop Quasigroup
Q1630568 Monad Monad Monadic functor
Q6897858 Monadic
Q2785361 Monoid Monoid Comonoid
Q1945067 Monomorphism Monomorphism Regular monomorphism
Q40276 Multiplication Multiplication
Q145825 Nadir
Q1442189 Natural isomorphism Natural transformation Natural isomorphism Unnatural isomorphism
Q719395 Object Object Small category
Q7098616 Opposite category Opposite category Opposite category
Q3117899 Opposite group
Q230664 Orbit
Q311627 P-adic integer P-adic number
Q1756942 Partial function Partial function Partial function Partial function
Q1366002 Path Path
Q9248237 Pointwise Pointwise order
Q33456 Power Exponentiation Power
Q7241053 Preserve Preserve
Q7241077 Presheaf Presheaf Yoneda extension
Q919107 Product Product
Q1397439 Pullback Pullback square Pullback square
Q1633079 Pushout Pushout Pushout
Q120429 Reflect Reflect Reflection
Q6101219 Reflective subcategory Reflective subcategory
Q426221 Reflector Reflection
Q130901 Relation Functional relation
Q2905654 Representation Representation Representation
Q357858 Right adjoint Unit of adjunction Right adjoint Right adjoint
Q320245 Right derived functor Derived functor
Q7451799 Separating set
Q17000267 Separator Generator
Q2119470 Sierpinski space Sierpinski space Sierpinski space
Q7881 Skeletal Skeleton
Q2291918 Skeleton Skeleton
Q420725 Small Small
Q7432 Species Species
Q288465 Stabilizer Transitive action
Q7631142 Subfunctor Subfunctor
Q2547089 Subobject Subobject Quotient object Subobject
Q207326 Summit
Q17103860 Symmetric monoidal category Symmetric monoidal category
Q188524 Tensor Tensor
Q210481 Terminal Terminal
Q25098802 Topological monoid Topological monoid
Q636889 Total derivative Total derivative
Q223683 Transpose Transpose Transpose matrix
Q1080547 Truncation
Q1987578 Unit interval
Q1945014 Unit object Unitor
Q161172 Unital ring Ring object
Q386320 Universal element Representable functor Universal element
Q1417809 Universal property Universal property Universal Universal construction
Q17104639 Weak equivalence Weak homotopy equivalence
Q204 Zero map Zero function
Q529752 Zero object Terminal object Zero object
Q7595945 2-sheaf Artin stack
Q4669982 Abstraction
Q345680 Antecedent Antecedent
Q17123932 Antisymmetric
Q177251 Associative Law Associativity Associativity
Q1896657 Atom Urelement
Q2328174 Atomic formula
Q179692 Axiom of choice Axiom of choice Axiom of choice
Q740424 Axiom of extensionality Axiom of extensionality
Q920450 Axiom of infinity Axiom of infinity
Q920796 Axiom of pairs Axiom of pairing
Q780487 Axiom of separation Axiom of separation
Q187456 Bar
Q204355 Biconditional Biconditional
Q734272 Bivalent
Q173183 Boolean algebra Boolean algebra
Q595364 Bounded lattice
Q1047307 Bundle
Q230797 Chain
Q1934165 Change of variables
Q1062934 Character
Q361254 Characteristic function Characteristic function Characteristic function
Q2513496 Choice function Choice function
Q5127787 Clas Clas
Q236975 Classical logic Classical logic
Q1744628 Classifier
Q10894825 Closure algebra Closure algebra
Q1777803 Co-unit Sweedler notation
Q1283623 Cofinality Cofinality
Q621542 Commutative diagram Diagram chasing
Q381892 Compact space Compactum
Q296074 Compatible
Q5156434 Complemented lattice Orthomodular lattice
Q5156470 Complete Heyting algebra Frames and locales
Q11567 Complex number Real part
Q244761 Composition of functions Composition
Q16769650 Comprehension
Q226931 Conjunction Conjunction
Q5161702 Connective Connective
Q261155 Consequent Consequent
Q23808682 Conservative functor Conservative functor
Q1319773 Consistent theory Internal logic
Q188248 Constant
Q1137814 Constructivism Constructive mathematics
Q5500266 Continuous morphism Free monoid
Q173300 De Morgan’s law De Morgan duality
Q1200750 Description
Q1201068 Detachment
Q1228851 Discrete category Discrete category
Q175116 Discrete topology Discrete topology
Q215382 Disjoint set
Q5282259 Disjoint union Disjoint union
Q1651704 Disjunction Disjunction
Q2363730 Distributive lattice Distributive lattice
Q5300067 Double negation Law of double negation
Q5310265 Duality Principle Principle of duality
Q226183 Empty set Empty subset
Q842346 Equality
Q11345 Equation Equation
Q852705 Evaluation function
Q381725 Exact functor Exact functor
Q468422 Excluded Middle Excluded middle
Q773483 Existential quantifier Existential quantifier
Q295785 Extension Extension
Q965432 Extensional relation Extensionality
Q5421978 Extent
Q1064276 Faithful functor Full functor
Q2890850 False generalisation
Q14240380 Fibre
Q4055684 First-order sentence Predicate logic
Q217608 Fixed point Fixpoint
Q3064613 Flabby sheaf Soft sheaf
Q976981 Formula Formula
Q227744 Foundation
Q354717 Fragment Fragment
Q294490 Frame Frame (disambiguation))
Q3502887 Free logic
Q935944 Free variable
Q541563 Full subcategory Subcategory Subcategory
Q11348 Function Empty function
Q242028 Functional abstraction Lambda-calculus
Q2007878 Functor category Functor category Functor category
Q643669 Generate
Q2143621 Geometric morphism Topos theory
Q2520842 Germ
Q5570834 Global element Global element
Q83478 Group
Q5737878 Hereditary set Pure set
Q1644136 Higher-order logic Higher-order logic
Q5887297 Hom-functor Internal hom
Q321119 Identity function Identity function
Q1215266 Implication Implication
Q3149511 Impredicative definition Predicative mathematics
Q1663694 Inclusion function Inclusion function
Q6033604 Inhabited
Q182003 Injective function
Q1923256 Intension
Q5361594 Intermediate logic
Q10879018 Intuitionism Intuitionistic mathematics
Q176786 Intuitionistic logic Intuitionistic logic
Q860623 Inverse image Preimage
Q1248241 Inverse relation
Q338057 Invertible
Q1723418 Kan extension Kan extension
Q192826 Kronecker delta Kronecker delta
Q2754968 Lattice Lattice (disambiguation))
Q1196892 Least element Least element
Q17502105 Least upper bound Greatest lower bound
Q44649 Left ideal
Q858223 Limit point Limit point
Q1052761 Local homeomorphism Local homeomorphism
Q1762213 Locally constant function Locally constant function
Q220433 Logically equivalent Logical equivalence
Q845691 Logicism
Q834585 Lower semilattice Semilattice
Q6269005 Meet
Q18629142 Member
Q193983 Metalanguage Metalanguage
Q1475294 Minimal element Maximal element
Q845060 Minimum Extremum
Q210841 Modal logic Modal logic
Q638442 Modal operator
Q7449424 Monoid action
Q208237 Monoid homomorphism Submonoid
Q194404 Monotone function Monotone function
Q15947602 Natural map
Q21199 Natural number Natural number
Q6980740 Natural numbers object Natural numbers object
Q190558 Negation Negation
Q2478475 Neighbourhood
Q4347052 Object language
Q529641 One-one
Q229102 Onto Surjection
Q830486 Open formula
Q213363 Open set
Q24175351 Order relation Order theory
Q191290 Ordered pair Ordered pair
Q191780 Ordinal Ordinal number
Q842755 Peano Postulate Peano arithmetic
Q44946 Point
Q474715 Poset Strict order
Q4391173 Power object Exponential Power object
Q205170 Power set Power set Power set
Q1077811 Powerset axiom
Q1425985 Preorder Quasiorder
Q7242162 Pretopology Pretopological space
Q1570472 Primitive recursion
Q13443840 Product category Product category Product category
Q173740 Product set Cartesian square
Q13415428 Projection Projection Coordinate projection
Q18345290 Pseudo-complement
Q1806121 Range
Q12916 Real number Real number
Q7301281 Realisation
Q2136742 Reflexive
Q470981 Regularity axiom Axiom of foundation
Q1617044 Relative pseudo-complement Heyting algebra
Q1361825 Replacement axiom Axiom of replacement
Q1308999 Restriction
Q9588 Richard Nixon
Q1068763 Rule of inference
Q33401 Russell set Russell's paradox
Q421639 Satisfaction
Q17103180 Section Section Split monomorphism
Q394320 Selection
Q348486 Sentence Sentence
Q2271572 Separation principle
Q843632 Sequent Sequent
Q2518298 Set Set
Q379825 Set membership Membership relation
Q12482 Set theory Set theory
Q5572389 Sheafification Sheafification
Q7511782 Sieve
Q1165112 Singleton
Q1062242 Site Étale site
Q246475 Sober
Q347599 Sort
Q224772 Source Source
Q17103642 Stalk
Q6035663 Standard model
Q1724688 Strict
Q7631737 Subobject classifier Subobject classifier
Q177646 Subset Subset
Q40754 Subtraction Subtraction
Q7632653 Successor function
Q875267 Sufficient
Q1136376 Support Support of a function
Q12485 Symmetric Symmetry
Q230479 Target Target
Q13560073 Tautology Tautology
Q1318370 Term
Q17988630 Theory
Q42989 Topology Topology
Q1501387 Transitive closure Transitive closure
Q64861 Transitive relation Transitive relation
Q671944 Transitive set Transitive set
Q272735 Tree
Q913874 Truth-function
Q185359 Union of sets
Q784645 Universal instantiation
Q126695 Universal quantifier Universal quantifier
Q13222579 Upper bound Upper bound Upper bound
Q365832 Valuation Valuation
Q852662 Value assignment
Q338021 Well-founded relation Well-founded relation
Q320577 Yoneda lemma Yoneda embedding Yoneda lemma
Q136080 ZF
Q4724020 Algebraic theory Algebraic theory
Q1086961 Bilinear map Bilinear map
Q444936 Canonical Canonical
Q1208187 Diagonal functor Diagonal functor
Q5358816 Element
Q267903 Epic
Q256355 Equivariant map Intertwiner
Q1379672 Evaluation
Q5500272 Free functor Free object
Q609647 Identity
Q224353 Inverse Inverse
Q1555242 Left regular representation Regular representation
Q370502 Map
Q6899873 Monic
Q161519 Permutation Permutation
Q408620 Regular Regularity
Q1155772 Scheme
Q133250 Sequence Sequence
Q207961 Shape Shape
Q2033899 Stone-Cech compactification Stone-Čech compactification
Q1163016 Tensor product Tensor product of vector spaces
Q356743 Topo
Q369377 Total order Total order
Q1056428 Type Type theory
Q295346 Vertex Vertex
Q595298 Étale space Pre-sheaf Étale space